Lecture: "How to reach the state of Ihsan through understanding".

Next Saturday, 7 October, as part of the 2023-24 Cycle of Conferences, there will be a [...]

The patience of the Prophet ﷺ in the face of calamities

Alhamdulillah que nos dio como regalo al Profeta más honorable y el gran Mensajero ﷺ [...]

Classes for children at the Mosque 2023

In October, Qur'an classes for boys and girls, starting from 6 years old, will begin [...]

Celebration of Mawlid 2023

Next Saturday, 30 September, the Mawlid an Nabi will be celebrated at the Mosque of [...]

Ciertamente, tiene un carácter magnánimo

Alhamdulillah, que nos otorgó como bendición el Mensajero Al Amin ﷺ, quien tuvo el mejor [...]

Reflection on the essentials

Lecture by Ustadh Abdel Ghani Melara, delivered on Saturday 16 September at the Centre [...]

Lecture. "Reflection on the essential".

Last Saturday, 16 September, the conference "Reflection on the essential" was given by [...]

Y no Enviamos señales sino para infundir temor

Alhamdulillahi Rabbi l’alamin, al Malik, al Haqq, Al Mubin, en Su Mano están las riendas [...]

Earthquake relief in Morocco

Granada, 11 September 2023 Bismillah Muslims of Granada: As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah Following the [...]

Purificar el nafs

Alhamdulillah Quien creó al hombre de un cuerpo y un alma, le Ordenó cuidar el [...]
