The Effect of Fasting on the Education of the Nafs

Alhamdulillah, Who has honoured us with fasting and has made it one of the most [...]

The virtues of sha'ban

Alhamdulillah, Who made night and day follow one another for whoever would remember [...].

A believer to a believer is like a solid structure

Alhamdulilah, Who united the hearts of His believing servants and made them as one [...].

Reflection and lessons on the Night Journey and Ascension

Alhamdulillah, Who elevates whom He wills with His grace and degrades whom He wills with [...].

Those who hasten to do good

Alhamdulillah, Who guides whomever He wills to do good and to forsake the [...]

Ostentation and reputation

Alhamdulillah, the Knower of the unseen and the secret speeches. He, exalted be He, has promised [...].

Islam is the din of moderation

Alhamdulillah, Who opened our breasts to Islam, guided us to follow the best of the [...]

Islam is the deen of moderation

Alhamdulillah to Whom opened our chests to Islam, guided us to follow the best of [...]

Salvation resides in abiding in the Yama'ah.

Alhamdulillah, there is no God but Him. He has no resemblance or associate. He disposes of His [...]

Stay with the Jamaat!

Salvation lies in being with the jamaat. Alhamdulillah, there is no God but Him. He [...]
