The family is the nucleus of society

Alhamdulillah, Who commanded His servants to be patient and promised them glory and dignity in this world and victory in the Hereafter, and gave relief from all worry and distress to the muttaquīn, those who have. taqwahSubhanallah, He is the Owner of mercy and forgiveness.

Servants of Allah, the righteousness of society begins with the righteousness of the family and its integrity. The family is the foundation of society. If right teaching is established in every family, then only a small number of people will be left out of the Straight Path and it will be easy, with everyone's help, to help them attain righteousness. However, if corruption spreads, the whole society will suffer. Be pious and you will attain happiness!

Muslims, the An-Nissa (Women's) sura begins by enjoining the taqwahIt also concludes with the same subject matter the sura that precedes it, which is the sura Al Imran (the Family of Imran).

This sura deals with the rights of the vulnerable in society: orphans, slaves, servants and heirs, and focuses deeply on women. With each of these categories you have rights and obligations to fulfil, and so it requires taqwah in dealing with them. A family free of conflict and discord, where divorce does not occur, will produce men who are role models, and women who are just, upright and obedient.

However, human beings deny themselves that a gentle breeze always blows over their homes, and the atmosphere sometimes becomes turbulent, and then happiness and contentment are transformed in a matter of seconds into misery and hardship for the spouses.

If a couple longs for happiness, they must enjoy a mutual tolerance that will maintain security and tranquility in the family and enable them to be strong in everything else. Reflect with me on this hadith: The Messenger of Allah, salallahu alaihi wa salam said:

The shaitan places his throne on the water, then sends out his armies; and those closest to him are the most skilled in creating mischief. One of them comes and says: "I did such and such a thing", to which the shaitan replies: "You did nothing". Then one of them comes and says: "I did not leave so-and-so until I separated him from his wife". Then the shaitan brings him close to him and says: "You did well".

The sole objective of the shaitan is to separate the man from his wife, his vision is long term, and he sees the consequences of things day by day. For this reason, it is recommended that the couple should say when having sex: "Allahumah protect us from the shaitan and protect what you give us (the baby) from him. The man of the house must be tolerant if he desires a happy life. In the hadith: "The believer does not neglect, rather he tolerates", and a wise man said: "When I saw ignorance spreading among the people, I often ignored... until it was thought that I was ignorant".

When angry, each spouse must remember the duties that the other bears, in order to control himself or herself. Each has a sacrifice to make for the sake of the other.

Believers, tranquillity, serenity, dignity and respect in homes are a blessing that sometimes only those who have destroyed their families through divorce can appreciate well. That is why Islam takes great care of homes and makes them a place of peace and tranquillity. Allah says in the Qur'an: "Allah has made your houses a rest for you". This is the purpose of Islam for the home: contentment of the heart and peace for the soul. Our din The Muslim's home must be prevented from being a place of discord, insults, curses and anger; rather it will help to make it a place of rest, and for this purpose rules have been laid down to perpetuate calm and tranquillity, and it has been made customary for the bosom of the home to be a sacred place. It is not invaded by just anyone; no one enters before asking permission. And attention is drawn to the permission. Allah, Almighty, says: "You who believe! Do not enter other people's houses without first asking permission and greeting their people. That is better for you, so that you may come to your senses".

And in the Din of Islam, the one who spies on people and threatens their safety or seeks to divide them through slander is reprimanded.

Servants of Allah, for married life to continue in security and peace, wisdom is required, and wisdom is not special words, nor special language; wisdom is acting appropriately, at the appropriate time. Self-control when angry is wisdom, and silence when angry is wisdom, Allah Almighty grants it to whom He wills, and whoever seeks it will find it easy. Says Allah, Almighty: "And those who fight for Us, We will surely guide them to Our ways. And Allah is with those who do good".

Considering divorce as the ideal solution is a big mistake made by many people. It may, at first, be the radical solution to many marital problems, but divorce brings evils and tragedies that cannot be avoided. Divorce affects souls. Let us reflect: Is it possible for couples to forget all the memories and moments they had together in the places they visited together, restaurants, trips, etc.? Allah, Almighty, said: "And do not forget the good among yourselves". Our Prophet ﷺ did not forget Khadijah, he had an enormous regard for her and great respect, and he called the year in which she died the year of sorrow because of his intense grief for her. And even though he married more than one woman after that, he always remembered her....

Your servants, conflict and discord in married life are a poisoned sword that stabs at the hearts of our children and destroys their personalities, changes innocent looks into a feeling of sadness accompanied by fear, anxiety and tears. And if the spouses separate, and each goes his or her own way, the children are left in the middle of the road at a crossroads, not knowing their destination, not knowing with whom to go. Their eyes look to the father, and their hearts are with the mother. This is the consequence of this phenomenon that has spread and separated our families and torn our children apart.

Allahumah, unite us and heal our brokenness, guide us to the straight path and protect us from discord and hypocrisy. Be for us a Guardian, a Support, a Helper and a Supporter. We ask Allah to protect us from anger and evil. Allahumah delegate our affairs to the best among us and protect us from anger, and withdraw Your wrath, have mercy on our fathers and mothers, and have mercy on all the dead. Allahumah, have mercy on them and forgive them. And cause them to remain Muslims, not disgraced, not corrupt.

Allahumah, grant victory to the oppressed and defeat the oppressors and accept the martyrs. Amin.
