After Ramadan, don't let laziness get the better of you

Alhamdulillah, Al Ghani Al Hamid, the one who does what He wills. The obedience of the servant does not benefit him and disobedience does not harm him, Exalted is He.

We praise Him gratefully and seek His forgiveness. Our lives and our livelihood are in His hands and our destiny is to return to Him, and I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, One, without resemblance, and that Muhammad ﷺ is His servant and Messenger, who made clear to us the distinction between evil and good.

So have at it taqwah And be steadfast in doing good deeds, for the most beloved deeds to Allah are the deeds of the person who is steadfast, constant and solid, even if that deed is small. And beware of abandoning them after Ramadan for the servant does not know his hour. And do not neglect them for Allah Almighty said: "Worship your Lord until certainty comes to you".. And the certainty here is death, not the month of Shawwal.

Allah, Whom we worship in the month of Ramadan, is the Lord of Ramadan and of all months and times. He is alive and does not die, so the sign of success is that the servant does not become lazy after Ramadan, and does not interrupt his acts of worship and night prayers at the beginning of the month of Shawwal. And a sign of the acceptance of his deeds will be that they are complemented by other acts of obedience. Ibn Rayab said: "Whoever performs an act of obedience and completes it, the sign of his acceptance is that he links it to another act of obedience, and the sign of his rejection is that he links it to an act of disobedience. Good erases evil, and evil sweeps away all good and eliminates it.

Our beloved prophet ﷺ was persevering in works.

One of the signs of the acceptance of worship is the appearance of its benefit on the servant's behaviour.

Servants of Allah, fasting and the Qur'an have an effect on the hearts of the believers, and their effect is manifested in righteousness after Ramadan, and it is manifested in love for the mosques and the front rank after Ramadan.

Allah, may He be praised, says: "The believers are those who when Allah is remembered, their hearts tremble and when His signs are recited to them, their belief increases and they put their trust in their Lord. The entire Qur'an has been recited to you, from Surah al Baqara to Surah Annas. In Ramadan we prayed thirteen rakats every night and another thirteen in tahayyud. What is the effect of all this after Ramadan? How do you leave your place in the mosque and in the front row after Ramadan? What happens to you after Ramadan? Lethargy and laziness are divided into two types, normal and pathological. Normal lethargy affects everyone. It activates and deactivates, but reactivates after a while, and unhealthy laziness is that which kills the heart and leads to neglect of duties, such as abandoning prayer, forsaking the Qur'an and turning away from righteousness. Sayyiduna Umar Ibn Al-Khattab said: "Indeed the hearts are activated and deactivated, so when they are active take advantage of their activity by offering voluntary deeds, and if they are deactivated, stick to obligatory actions.

So, for those who feel laziness and laziness, let them take the example of the people of the first generations (salaf) and stay away from slackers.

Muslim, Muslim woman, know that laziness is a sign of hypocrisy. Allah Almighty says: "The hypocrites pretend to deceive Allah, but it is He who deceives them. When they get ready to do salat, they get up lazily and do it for others to see them. They hardly remember Allah. Wavering between right and wrong, they are neither with one nor the other. Whom Allah leads astray you will find no way to guide him, and one of the signs of laziness and lethargy is that the servant becomes more lazy in performing voluntary deeds, knowing that by such deeds any deficiency in obligatory prayers is made up, and through them good deeds are multiplied, ranks are raised and evil deeds are erased, which increases Allah's love for His servant and closeness. In the hadith Qudsi, Allah says:

The servant continues to approach Me with voluntary acts until I love him, so if I love him I am the ear with which he hears, and the sight with which he sees, and the hand with which he works, and the foot with which he walks, and if he asks Me, I grant his prayer, and if he seeks refuge in Me, I grant it to him.

Voluntary acts are not only the salatbut any act of good outside of what is obligatory.

Believers, one of the causes of lethargy is the neglect of the circles of knowledge, which are the heart's fuel, its nourishment and its recharge. Said the Prophet ﷺ: "If ye pass by the gardens of Paradise, sit down." They said, "What are the gardens of Paradise, O Messenger of Allah?" He said, "The circles of the dhikr". And the dhikr here is the remembrance of Allah, and the study of the Shariah, and all that benefits the believer for the Hereafter.

There is also conceit and vanity, which is a disease and a gateway to evil. Bishr ibn al-Hariz said: "Self-indulgence is that you magnify your own deeds and belittle those of others. This disease has an effect on weakness in worship and in not heeding the words of Allah, when He said to the Companions: "And in the day of Hunayn, when your great number astonished you, but it availed you nothing".This is a reproach to the believers for their admiration of themselves and their multitude.

So have at it taqwah of Allah and rid yourselves of lethargy and laziness, do not follow in the footsteps of the Shaitan, worship your Lord in all months and years, do not be lazy after Ramadan, do not forsake the houses of Allah after Ramadan, and fear the day when you will return to Allah.

Allahumah, accept our good deeds, grant us success in following the Sunnah of our Prophet ﷺ, save us from laziness, greed and evil states, raise Your hatred and anger against the ruthless, and support the oppressed and defeat the oppressors. Amin
